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MMA | Ronin TC

Ronin Training Center is a Mixed Martial Arts training center. MMA is not simply one art rather than a mixture of many. At Ronin we focus on the core arts to elevate your MMA experience to the highest level. 

With active Professional fighters training and teaching daily, we’ve got what it takes to bring your MMA goals to reality!


Don’t have MMA goals? No problem! Training Mixed Martial Arts is a fantastic way to get in better shape both mentally and physically. 


We know that MMA is a safe and healthy way to train. Sure, just like any other sport, precautions must be taken to assure safety. Injuries can always happen, no matter the age, health, or sex of the participant. But with the right equipment, instructor, and regimen, MMA training can be rewarding in so many ways. There is no doubt that

we are not the only ones to feel this way. Just take a look at the recent surge in popularity this sport has had! In actuality, there are hundreds of reasons to love and try MMA training.



MMA; Womans MMA; Female MMA; Mens MMA; Ronin Training Center; Columbus, OH
MMA: mma; MMA; Womans MMA; Female MMA; Mens MMA; Ronin Training Center; Columbus, OH

The main reason that we love MMA so much is because it is unique. It promotes total body training and fitness in a way that nearly no other sport does. Anyone can do it! Best of all, it is a great way to get away from run-of-the-mill workouts. Whether you are just starting to hit the gym, or have been doing so for years, MMA training can help you. Where other diets and exercise regimens fail, MMA training succeeds. It can help you in your personal life, with your performance, self-esteem, how you look, feel, and much more.


Many who participate in MMA training love how it makes them feel. They love that the workouts can be intense, fun, and done in a group. They also love the skills that they learn during training can be put to use as part of a sport or just to defend themselves. Lots of people doing MMA on a regular basis comment on just what a difference the sport has made in their lives. Not only can they see, but also feel, the differences made by MMA.


There are lots of fitness benefits to practicing MMA. Studies have shown that MMA training, unlike other types of exercise, works on your total body. We are not just talking muscles, either. You get a cardio and a strength training workout, all in one. Or, you can concentrate on one area more than others in order to tone and sculpt your body. Working out on a regular basis, in and of itself, offers plenty of benefits. But intense workouts like MMA training can offer you even more in the way of fitness benefits that can, over time, become good habits.


1012 West 3rd Ave. Columbus, Ohio  43212


Mon-Wed-Fri:        8:00 am - 8:30 pm
Tue-Thurs:              7:00 am - 8:30 pm

Saturday:               9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sunday:                10:00 am - 1:00 pm


*Front Desk Hours which do not reflect Class Times


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